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Year 5

Welcome to the Home 5 page!




We are really pleased with how well the children have settled in to Y5.  All the children have been working extremely hard so far this term and have already produced some fantastic work to be proud of. This term, Year 5 will present the children with lots of new challenges and opportunities to enrich their learning. Through a partnership approach to learning, they will be able to overcome challenges and continue to develop their knowledge and skills through a fun, exciting and creative curriculum!



Home 5 Reminders

  • We have PE every  Wednesday: all children will be expected to have full PE kits in school on these days
  • The children will receive their Homework via their Homework book - this will include weekly spellings (word searches, handwriting, activity task sheets) SPaG and Multiplication practice.
  • Please support your child with the learning of both spellings and time tables: Spelling tests are every Monday.
  • Snack money is 50p each week, if you would like your child to have snack please send 50p in with your child  or pay via the parentpay app.
  • Please ensure your child has their book bag in school everyday and that they are reading at home on a daily basis. Please support your child with their reading by listening to them read every day for 10 minutes and questioning them about what they have read. Reading books will be checked every Friday; children who have read 5+ times receive extra play and a raffle ticket for our weekly class raffle.


Don't forget to visit our pages below to see some of the fantastic work and activities the children have completed.


We are looking forward to another exciting term and we hope you are too!


Thanks for your continuing support,

Mrs Hudson and Miss Nugent
