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Community recycling dates 2021-22

Details of the community recycling dates for surplus uniforms are attached.


A community recycling programme aims to encourage the people of Kirkby to recycle and donate old school uniform items rather than putting them in the bin. At Eastcroft Park School we have a lot of surplus items of uniform that we wish to recycle. The items consist of school jumpers/cardigans, polo t-shirts, shirts, skirts, trousers, and summer dresses. The items are all different sizes.


We will put all the items onto a table outside the junior hall on the dates shown on the calendar in red 2021-2022 at 2.30pm for parents/carers to collect and reuse. Therefore, if you have any uniform items that can be reused, please pass into school for recycling.


If you have any queries please ring the school office.
