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KS2 Xmas play - Additional performance

Dear Parent(s)/Carer,  


Due to unprecedented demand, there will be an additional 3rd performance of the KS2 Carol Concert. This will be on Thursday 15th December 2022 at 10am in the Junior Hall for parents/carers of children in any KS2 year group.  


We completely appreciate and understand that some families may want more family members to attend performances; however, we are bound by Health and Safety laws and Fire Regulations which permit us to fit a maximum of 80 adults at any performance. This is why we initially allocated 1 ticket to every child – every child deserves to have at least one adult watch them perform! Now that we have managed to squeeze in a 3rd performance, hopefully this will enable more family members to attend and enjoy the performance.  


If you would like to swap the allocated ticket you have already received for either the Tues/Wed performance and exchange it for 2 tickets to the Thursday performance, can you please RETURN your original ticket to your child’s class teacher. Once we have received this, we will then be able to send 2 tickets home for the Thursday performance and pass your returned ticket to another family. If you wish to KEEP your original ticket, but would like an additional ticket for either the Tuesday or Wednesday performance, please indicate below and if any are available, they will be sent home with your child. Please be reassured that we will do our very best to make sure that all reasonable requests are accommodated for.  


Please can we also ask that you work with us in ensuring everybody gets a fair chance at getting additional tickets by not asking for 2 tickets for every performance! As long as your child sees a family member at one of the three performances, they will be happy!  


Thanks for your continuing support and Merry Christmas!  


Mrs G. Hudson

Senior Leadership Team. 
