If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.
Applying for a place at this school
Eastcroft Park School is a community primary school where we welcome all applicants. We welcome visits to the school by families who may be interested in applying – please contact us on 0151 477 8210 and we will make an appointment for you to visit. It is usually possible to offer places to all who apply. If however, there are more applicants than places, the school has an admissions policy that is used to decide who has priority.
School Admissions Policy
The admission policy for 2023-24 is reproduced in the local authority’s Primary composite prospectus 2023/24
which is available on the Knowsley Council website; https://www.knowsley.gov.uk/knowsleycouncil/media/Documents/PRIMARY-BOOKLET-2023-24_1.pdf The booklet gives you all the information you’ll need to apply for school places.
Applications for admission to reception classes and transfer to secondary school
· We will not receive copies of the admission booklets to distribute as in previous years – parents should use the new online portal. Paper applications will only be available by individual parent request to the council if you do not have access to the online facility.
· Parents of all year 6 children will be sent a letter to make you aware of the application process. This letter includes a UID reference that can be input on the application portal to match the application to LA records for the child. However, parents can still make an online application without the UID.
· The council plan to send a similar letter to children of pre school age, provided they have the relevant information.
· Application closing dates for Knowsley residents remain unchanged and are 31 October for secondary applications and 15 January for reception applications.
The Knowsley council web pages have been updated and can be found at https://www.knowsley.gov.uk/residents/education-and-schools/apply-for-a-school-place/annual-school-admission-procedures
In year transfer applications
· We will continue to receive and administer directly in-year transfer applications in accordance with local process.
· In year information for parents, including a copy of the in year application form can be found at https://www.knowsley.gov.uk/residents/education-and-schools/apply-for-a-school-place/in-year-school-admission-procedures.
Nursery class admissions
· We will continue to receive and administer directly applications for nursery class admission.
· All documents can be found at https://www.knowsley.gov.uk/residents/education-and-schools/apply-for-a-school-place/nursery-class-admissions