Reception Class Teacher -Mrs J Woods
Reception Teaching Assistant- Miss Z Gilchrist
Reception SEND 1/1 Support- Miss A Williams and Miss D Williams
P.E is every Friday. Please send your child into school in their school P.E kit on this day.
All children in our Reception class work towards the revised Early Learning Goals 2021 (ELGs) and develop their Characteristics of Effective Teaching & Learning (COETL). This builds our curriculum - which is designed to help the children become successful, well-rounded and eager learners throughout their lives.
The children learn through play both in the indoor and outdoor classrooms – sometimes this is adult-led but most of the time it is child-initiated where children learn through exploring their own interests and having their own ideas. Adults in the setting strive to provide a stimulating and engaging environment that allows the children to develop at their own pace by provoking and guiding learning based on the interests of each child. Adults assess children's progress against the revised Development Matters Document and the ELGs.
Please see our curriculum main page for the reception curriculum overview.
In Reception we use the Read Write Inc Phonics programme to support our teaching of reading and writing. We have a 30-40 minute session of RWI Phonics each day and each session follows a set format in which children practice their previous phonic knowledge, learn new phonemes, digraphs, trigraphs and high frequency words. They practice to read and write words with the new sounds they have learnt. Phonics activities are also set up in our indoor and outdoor classrooms through continuous provision.
Children are put into groups for phonics according to the stage of phonics they are currently working within.
Please see the phonics section of the website for more detail about Read Write Inc phonics.
We provide a pick and mix style homework for each term where children can select which activities they would like to do. The tasks cover a range of the different EYFS areas of learning. Children will receive dojos for any tasks that they complete and evidence can be written down or photographs /videos can be sent to
Home Reading
Children will receive 3 reading books each week as the year progresses. (depending on their phonics stage) Children who are at red/green level of RWI will bring a home a book we have read in class to help build up their confidence and fluency and a book that relates to the sounds we have covered in phonics that week. Children may also bring home a sound blending book home. All children will bring home a library book that they can cuddle up and enjoy with an adult at home. These books may be too difficult for your child to read independently so just enjoy together and discuss the story as you read it with your child. All children will receive a reading record for parents/carers to record/make comments about their child's reading.
In Reception we use Master the Curriculum which is based on White Rose Maths. This Mathematics programme involves providing children with opportunities to develop and improve their skills in counting, subitising, understanding and using numbers, calculating, simple addition and subtraction problems; and to have an understanding of numerical patterns. We work towards the Early Learning Goals for mathematics in reception.
We teach mathematics daily as a carpet session to ensure coverage throughout the year builds on fundamental skills. We also have regular maths focused tasks whereby each child completes a piece of maths work/a challenge with a member of staff. The children work in maths books each week and work may be recorded through photographs/termly learning journey etc.
We also have an indoor maths area for children to learn and play in. Continuous Provision and challenges always reflect our weekly maths learning. For example; if we are learning about weight and measurement then scales and other tools would be placed in the maths area along with challenges for that week.
In Reception we have snack twice a day. Healthy snacks such as fruit, toast, breadsticks, dried fruit and crackers will be provided by school using the class funds that are paid for by parents and carers. Children will have access to the snack during the afternoon session. Children do not need to bring in a snack from home. Children with allergies will be catered for. Sometimes children will also make their own snack as well as trying different topic based food and seasonal/celebratory snacks.