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At Eastcroft Park we use Language Angels to teach the breadth of the MFL curriculum. Language Angels provides us with phonetics, core vocabulary and sentence work to ensure that the children are getting a well-rounded view of the Spanish language. Language Angels also provide sound clips of a fluent, Spanish speaker, which enables them to be able to hone in on their pronunciation of certain words. 


Frequency and range of lessons/activities:

At Eastcroft Park pupils learn Spanish in KS2 during weekly Spanish lessons. These lessons are between 20-40 minutes, depending on the activity and the timetable of the class.  Pupils begin in KS2 studying units at the ‘Early language stage’ progressing to the ‘Intermediate stage’ and finally progress to the ‘Progressive stage’ units by the end of KS2. Activities start off (At the early language stage) with the acquisition of simple vocabulary starting with on single nouns (with article/determiner), building up memory skills and formulating very short simple sentences by the end of a unit, from memory. Lessons at the intermediate stage build on Early Learning and work at phrase level. More grammar is incorporated into the lessons and starts to be more explicit in the terminology and explanations. Longer reading and listening exercises and more is expected in their oral responses and written work. Pupils will know more and learn more. At the Progressive stage the lessons contain more content and the pace is faster as there is more language presented to the children. This teaching type encourages the children to produce written paragraphs and speak more fluently and accurately from memory. Recalling and recycling the language learnt in the previous teaching types. Progression within each unit is gradual but tasks do gain complexity throughout each. For example a unit may start with completing missing letters to form simple vocabulary at the start but may progress to completing a transcript of a full conversation by the end of a unit. 



Tasks and activities in Spanish lessons are designed to be accessible to all. Spanish lessons are verbal in their nature, so all children at Eastcroft are able to practice the language. Tasks throughout each unit are sequential and progressive allowing all children to build up their knowledge as the unit progresses. There are lots of interactive games and karaoke videos for children to play, listen to and sing along to and this enables a multisensory approach to learning. 



Pupils at Eastcroft Park each have a Spanish book, and written activities are recorded in these as and when necessary. Sound bites of children speaking are uploaded to Seesaw and are able to be accessed by the class teacher and subject lead to aid in assessment. 



Pupils are assessed after each unit, with assessment activities built into the lesson sequence. once the children have completed each unit there is a short assessment, where the children complete a listening, reading, writing and speaking task. These are recorded on the Language Angels website assessment tracker section. 

Spanish curriculum
