Year 5
Welcome to Year 5's page! Our fabulous Year 5 class have settled in well and are already becoming mature, resilient, independent learners.
Parent Information:
- Year 5 PE day is Tuesday. Please ensure your child comes into school in full Eastcroft Park PE kit on these days. Please note: your child can wear plain black leggings/tracksuit bottoms during the colder winter months - no brands/labels!
- Year 5 Forest School takes place every Thursday afternoon until Christmas. If your child is in the selected group of 10 for that block, they can come to school in their warm outdoor clothes (including trainers/wellies!)
- Snack is 50p per week - this can be paid in class or on ParentPay.
- Homework is given every Friday. Your child has been given a green homework book with their weekly homework, TTRS log-ins and Seesaw log-ins inside. Please ensure your child completes their homework and returns their homework to be checked by the following Thursday. Homework alternates between 10 spellings and maths arithmetic practice. Your child is rewarded if they complete their homework weekly!
- Reading daily is essential for learning across the curriculum. Please ensure your child reads aloud to you each night (remember to sign their reading record) to improve their fluency. Reading records are checked every Friday morning and are marked on whether they are a red, yellow or green reader (0-2 times a week is red, 3-4 times a week is yellow and 5 (or more) times a week is green). Green readers are rewarded weekly!
- Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) is a brilliant app which allows your children to practice their times tables. Quick times tables recall is crucial for your child's attainment in Maths. Your child has their own individual log in in their homework books.
We can't wait to help your child grow and learn over the next year! If you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to email me ( or contact the office to arrange a meeting.
Miss Bennett, Miss Murphy and Miss Vaughan x
You can find out more about what we study in Year 5 by checking our 'Curriculum Overview' page!