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Year 6

Welcome to the Home 6 page!

The children have settled in really well and are beginning to show that they are ready for the challenges that Year 6 will bring. Year 6 is not just about SATs! Over the coming year, the children will have the opportunity to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding in all subject areas by accessing a fun, engaging, creative and challenging curriculum that will further enrich their learning.  

Over the year the children will have the opportunity to study: 

  • Ancient Greece: what did the Greeks do for us? 

  • The Maya Civilisation: why should we remember the Maya?

  • The Impact of war: how did WW2 impact our locality? 

  • South America- the Amazon: what is life like in the Amazon?

  • Protecting the Environment: are we damaging our world? 

  • Our Future World: what will our world look like in the future? 

  • Science: Animals Including Humans, Classifying Organisms, Light, Electricity and Evolution and Inheritance.

  • The works of many artists such as Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Barbara Hepworth, Georgia O'Keefe and Hokusai.

  • The works of the composer John Williams.

  • Plus so much more!

Home 6 Information


  • We have PE on Thursdaysplease ensure the children come into school in a full school P.E. kit on this day.
  • We have Forest School every Monday afternoon; please ensure the children come into school in weather appropriate clothing. 
  • Homework is given out every Friday via Seesaw. Homework should be returned by the following Wednesday.  If the children have any problems with their homework and require further support, they can speak to us on Monday or Tuesday. Homework includes 10 spellings; 5 from a spelling rule and 5 from the Year 5/6 Common Exception Words. The children will be tested on their spellings each Friday.  
  • Reading- It is essential that the children are reading at home on a regular basis.  Reading records are checked every Friday.
  • Times tables- Children should regularly practise their times tables up to 12 x 12. Having quick recall of both the multiplication and division facts will greatly help them in other areas of the Maths curriculum. The children have been given a Times Tables Rockstars login (in their homework book) which they can use to access the app or website at home. The children will be tested on their times tables each Friday.
  • Snack money is 50p per week; this can be paid on ParentPay or in cash.
  • Class news and pictures will be posted onto our school's Twitter account (@eastcroftpark).


If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact me via email:

Thank you for your continued support, we look forward to the year ahead!


Mrs Mitchell and Mrs Pybis xx
