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At Eastcroft Park we use the Charanga scheme of music (please see below for overview),in EYFS, Year 3, 5 & 6.  This is a fun, interactive approach to teaching and learning music which is based on supporting all the requirements of the National Curriculum, in line with published Ofsted guidance. It provides comprehensive lesson plans, assessment, clear progression, and engaging and exciting whiteboard resources for every lesson.

Year 1, 2 and 4 have music specialist teaching, using the Wigan Scheme (see below for overview) and Year 4 are also taught to play an instrument.






Frequency and range of lessons/activities:

 At EastcroftPark pupils experience Music in timetabled weekly lessons for at least an hour. Extra Singing and music links are also delivered outside of the daily music lessons, in other areas of the curriculum and performances skills will be covered throughout all units. Vocabulary is introduced regularly and consolidated periodically to ensure that pupils are building a good bank of musical vocabulary. 

Each year group also has their own Famous Musician to study and uses cross-curricular learning delivered by the class teacher or by the specialist music professional. 



Tasks and activities in Music lessons at EastcroftPark are designed to be accessible while still containing challenging components. All activities can be accessed by all as learning can be recorded in a range of ways such as voice recording and capturing images/video. For advanced learners, the units also contain challenge questions for pupils to develop their higher-order thinking skills.



Staff capture learning observations/photos of performances using Seesaw and/or record in floor books.



In EYFS pupils explore music in all the 7 areas of learning. Daily Number rhymes/songs are part of the sessions and we often use music/singing to explore topics or areas of interest.  We also use the Charanga scheme and songs.



Assessments will include all 4 elements- Listen & Respond, Explore & Create, Singing, Share & perform.  Classes use the Charanga tools for assessment after each unit completed.

Wigan Scheme For Music Overview
