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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!


Year 2 is a fun and fantastic year where children learn lots and grow and develop into confident, clever children!



Year 2 information:

  • Homework and spellings are given out every Friday through seesaw or in homework books. Spellings are tested the following Friday. 
  • Year 2 P.E day is Wednesday. Please ensure your child wears a full kit to school every Wednesday. ( white t-shirt, leggings/tracksuit bottoms, trainers/pumps and school cardigan/jumper)
  • Snack money is collected every Monday morning, which is 50p for the week. You can pay in class or on ParentPay.
  • Reading books are changed every Friday. Please ensure you are discussing the story with your child and let us know if your child needs a new book in their reading record.
  • New information and pictures are posted on Seesaw or on the Eastcroft Park Twitter feed (@eastcroftpark).


Over the year, we will be studying:

  • Lots of different texts through our English work, including 'A River ' by Marc Martin. We will then move onto reading some wonderful texts such as 'The Night Gardener' by Eric Fan and the Fan Brothers and 'The Bog Baby' by Jeanne Willis. 
  • Our first class reader will be The Owl who is afraid of the Dark. We love reading in Year 2 so we will really enjoy these texts.
  • The Weather, Seasons, Our Wonderful World (Geography)
  • Animals inc Humans, Everyday Materials, Seasons, Plants, Living Things and their Habitats (Science)
  • Kindness, Christianity and Judaism (R.E)
  • The artwork of Picasso.
  • Babette Cole and Allan Ahlberg (Authors)
  • Please see the Y2 overview below for more information!


If you have any further questions or would like to get in touch, please email me: We are more than happy to help!


Miss Moore, Miss Bowers, Mrs Fulton and Mr Bishop

RWI Phonics:

Find out about the Read Write Inc system we use to teach phonics on the following page:

Year 2 curriculum overview
