Welcome to Year 2!
Year 2 is a fun and fantastic year where children learn lots and grow and develop into confident, clever children!
Year 2 information:
- Spellings are given out every Friday and are tested the following Friday.
- Year 2 P.E day is Wednesday. Please ensure your child wears a full kit to school every Wednesday. ( white t-shirt, leggings/tracksuit bottoms, trainers/pumps and school cardigan/jumper)
- Snack money is collected every Monday morning, which is 50p for the week. You can pay in class or on ParentPay.
- Reading books are changed every Friday. Reading is essential to your child making progress. Please aim to read as much as possible at home and sign their reading record.
If you have any further questions or would like to get in touch, please email me: year2@eastcroftpark.co.uk. We are more than happy to help!
Miss Moore and Mrs Frackelton
Miss Bowers, Mrs Fulton and Miss Hedges