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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!


 We are very excited to welcome you to Year 3 as you start your journey in KS2. 

Home 3 information:

  • Homework is given out every Friday, and will be checked the following Friday. Homework will be posted on Seesaw and paper copies given and can either be uploaded to Seesaw or paper copies returned to school in homework books. Children will have a spelling test every fortnight based on their homework spellings.
  •  Our PE day is Monday. Children are to come into school wearing their PE kit with their school jumper.
  • Snack money is collected every Monday morning, which is 50p for the week. This can also be paid on ParentPay.
  • Children should still be reading AT LEAST 3 times per week for 10 minutes and they need their reading records signed. This will be checked every Friday



Please take a look at the links below to find out more about what we do in Year 3. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to talk to us after school, or email us at


Mr Harvey & Miss Hunter.





