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Early Learning Goals

ELG (Early Learning Goals)


Each area of the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage)curriculum has an Early Learning Goal, which is the standard that a child is expected to achieve by the end of their reception year in order to meet the standards for their age. The ELGs cover all of the 7 areas of learning as specified in the EYFS Curriculum.


Examples of Early Learning Goals


Early Learning Goals cover the 7 key areas of learning for Early Years students, which are:

  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts & Design


The goals are very simple and in many ways resemble the 2014 National Curriculum aims for Primary Students. Some examples of the sort of things covered might be:


  • “Place numbers 1 to 20 in order”
  • “Use everyday language to talk about time”
  • “Select and use technology for particular purposes.”
  • “Can follow instructions involving several ideas or actions.”
  • “Can write some irregular common words.”


Further information can be found in the documents below which detail the expected and exceeding statements for the ELGs along with some activities to try at home. 
