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Pupil & Sport Premium

Pupil Premium

Eastcroft Park Pupil Premium Policy


The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011, and paid to local authorities by means of a specific grant based on January 2011 school census figures for pupils registered as eligible for FSM in reception to Year 11. For looked after children the Pupil Premium was calculated using the Children looked after data returns (SSDA903). A premium has also been introduced for children whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces; this was £200 in 2011-12 and rose to £250 for 2012-13. This service premium is designed to address the emotional and social well-being of these pupils.

The Pupil Premium is additional to main school funding and it will be used to address any underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months and others by ensuring that funding reaches the pupils who need it most.



1. The additional funding will be used to address any underlying inequalities between children eligible for Pupils Premium and others

2. We will ensure that the additional funding reaches the pupils who need it most.

3. The Pupil Premium will be used to provide additional educational support to raise the standard of achievement for these pupils



1. Pupil Premium will be clearly identifiable within the budget and School Development Plan

2. The Head teacher, in consultation with the governors, Pupil Premium Lead Teacher and staff, will decide how the Pupil Premium is spent for the benefit of entitled pupils

3. The school will assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils.

4. The school will be accountable for how it has used the additional funding to support the achievement of those pupils covered by the Pupil Premium

5. From September 2012, we will publish online information about how we have used the Premium.

6. We will ensure that parents and others are made fully aware of the attainment of pupils covered by the Premium.

7. We will seek to further develop strategies and interventions which can improve the progress and attainment of these pupils.

8. We will track the impact of the strategies put into place through the funding to ensure that we can show the value that has been added to the education of the entitled children.



This policy will play an important part in the educational development of the individual pupils who are entitled to the Pupil Premium. We will ensure that these pupils are treated equally and as favourably as others and that the additional funding is used well to address the challenges they face. The school will use the additional funding to promote the achievement and progress of all entitled pupils. Through wise use of this additional funding we are fully committed to ensuring that the individual needs of each entitled child are met. As a result of the additional funding, these children will make better progress and achieve higher standards that would have been likely without it.                                                                                                                                               


Eastcroft Park Pupil premium strategy statement 2023 to 2024

Sports Premium
