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Acceptable use of social media for parents

Dear Parents/Carers,



At Eastcroft Park we want our pupils to grow into respectful young people, who understand how to settle differences in a respectful and constructive manner, both online and offline. We believe that the modelling of appropriate behavior both online and offline is vital to this.


Our ICT and internet acceptable use agreements set clear expectations for pupils and parents about online conduct.


We expect parents to abide by these guidelines so that you can help us model safe, responsible and appropriate social media use for our pupils.


This includes voicing opinions about the school in a way that respects the hard work, dedication and professionalism of our staff, and speaking to or about other parents and children in a way that is respectful and appropriate.


Complaints and concerns


There may be times where, as a parent, you don’t agree with something the school is doing, or where you may have specific concerns. We welcome your feedback, and the opportunity to address any concerns you may have.


The most appropriate way to raise concerns is directly with the school. You can call or email the school to arrange to speak to myself or other members of staff.


Please take the time to read the Acceptable Use of the Internet Agreement for parents below. Further information about safer internet use and acceptable use can be found on the school website.



We appreciate your help in providing a supportive, respectful environment for all our pupils, parents and staff.


Yours sincerely,



Miss J A Withey
