Dear Parent / Carer
I hope this letter finds you well.
I am writing to you about the concerning situation in Knowsley where we are seeing a significant increase in COVID-19 cases. Our current level of positive cases is higher than the North West average – a situation we do not want to see and we all need to take action to bring the number of positive cases down.
As you will know, COVID-19 easily spreads from person to person and we know that we have widespread community transmission across the borough.
There are additional measures that we need to put in place to stop the spread of the virus – they are essential measures that will help to keep our schools open.
The council has working closely with schools to implement important safety measures to reduce any risks to children, however, we need your support too and we ask that you:-
I have also attached a guide which sets out when to keep your child off school and for how long.
Inevitably, we have had a small number of positive cases amongst pupils and staff in schools. Schools acted quickly and all necessary steps have been taken in line with Public Health England advice and as a result a number of Knowsley schools have had to send class bubbles home to self isolate.
This is an ever-changing situation in which we find ourselves in. We will endeavour to keep you updated as new information and guidance becomes available.
In the meantime, we need to continue to work together and for everyone to play their part in stopping the spread of this virus.
Thank you for your support. Yours faithfully
Jill Albertina
Assistant Executive Director Education and Early Help