Dear Parent/Guardian
Your child’s annual flu vaccination is now due
This vaccination is recommended to help protect your child against flu. Flu can be an unpleasant illness and sometimes causes serious complications. Vaccinating your child will also help protect more vulnerable friends and family by preventing the spread of flu.
The vaccination is free and is a quick and simple spray up the nose. Even if your child had it last year, it is recommended to have the flu vaccine again this year.
A leaflet explaining the vaccination programme is enclosed and includes details about the small number of children for whom the nasal vaccine is not appropriate.
Please complete the consent form (one for each child) and return to school in the next 3 days to ensure your child receives their vaccination. This can be a paper copy or e-mailed to
If you decide you do not want to vaccinate your child against flu, please return the consent form giving the reason. This will help us plan and improve the service.
Your consent form will be kept for 12 months after this time it will be disposed of using the trust’s confidential waste procedure.
If you have any queries, please contact the immunisation team 0151 676 5141.
Yours faithfully
North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
If your child becomes wheezy or has their asthma medication increased after you return this form, please contact the healthcare team on 0151 676 5141.
For further information see: PALS and Complaints Tel: 01925 664450