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Free creative courses in Knowsley

Make Time for yourself this New Year with FREE creative courses


If your 2020 resolution is to make time for yourself then you won’t want to miss Knowsley Council’s ’10 Ways to Wellbeing’ FREE creative courses.


The free sessions with professional artists are open to all adults and will give you the chance to explore a range of creative arts including creative writing/ storytelling, photography, drama, drawing or visual arts.


Part of Knowsley’s ‘10 Ways to Wellbeing’ the courses, which will run over 4 weeks, will provide the opportunity to learn a new skill and make new friends while making time for yourself.


The ’10 Ways’ are simple actions and activities which if done regularly can make a real difference to how you feel and cope with life’s ups and downs.


Storytelling/Creative Writing


Join our creative writing course and let your imagination flow. Learn how to write a compelling piece, be it a poem, short story or lyrics to a song!


Wednesdays at 6pm to 8pm

Stockbridge Leisure Centre, The Withens, Stockbridge Village, L28 1AB

29th January

5th February

12th February

19th February


Thursdays 6pm to 8pm

New Hutte Neighbourhood Centre, Lichfield Road, Halewood, L26 1TT

30th January

6th February

13th February

20th February  


Drawing for Health: Four Pictures Make Your Story

Using different styles of drawing, you will work on four related pictures, which will build over the four sessions, to tell a story of your life experiences. These sessions are all about understanding and telling your own stories through pictures.  


You don’t have to have drawing skills already, we will show you the way!


Saturday mornings 10.30am-12.30pm

Kirkby Resource Centre, James Holt Avenue, Kirkby, L32 5TD


1st February

8th February

15th February

22nd February


Visual Arts


Experience how visual arts can make a positive difference to your mood while learning to express yourself creatively.  Learn the power of abstract painting and how to mix basic colours and complementary colours to create your own colourful masterpiece.



Friday mornings 11am to 1pm

St George’s Church, Primrose Drive, Huyton L36 8DW 

7th February

14th February

21st February

28th February


Photography taster course


Learn how the power of photography can improve your mental wellbeing whilst connecting with the world around you.


All sessions start and finish in the libraries but will involve visits to local parks to explore the natural environment.


Saturday mornings 10.30am to 12.30pm


Huyton Library Culture Hub, Civic Way, Huyton L36 9GD

7th March

14th March

21st March

28th March


Prescot Library, Prescot Shopping Centre, Aspinall Street, L34 5GA

4th April

11th April

18th April

25th April


Drama techniques


Join a practitioner from Imaginarium Theatre as they introduce simple drama techniques to improve health and wellbeing. Learn how physical movement and expression can help you feel better, increase confidence and improve your mood. No previous drama experience is necessary.


Fridays 6.30pm to 8.30pm

Bryer Road Community Centre, Bryer Road, Prescot L35 5DW

6th, March

13th, March

20th March

27th March 2020


No previous experience is necessary, you just need to bring a lot of enthusiasm!


Register your interest for any of these courses by contacting Knowsley Culture Development and Events Service on 0151 443 5353 or emailing  
