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Message for Y5 parents

20th October 2020            


Dear Parents/Carers of Year 5 children,

This afternoon we have been advised that there has been a confirmed case of COVID-19 within the school.

We have followed the national guidance and have identified that your child’s class bubble may have been in the proximity of the affected person.

Public Health England advise that close/direct contact is considered to be:

  • being coughed on, or
  • having a face-to-face conversation within 1 metre, or
  • having unprotected skin-to-skin physical contact, or
  • travel in a small vehicle with the case, or
  • any contact within 1 metre for 1 minute or longer without face-to-face contact
  • extended close contact (between 1 and 2 metres for more than 15 minutes) with a case


Governors and I have made the decision to follow the national guidance as we must take every step to ensure the safety of the children, staff and the school community. Therefore, the children in the Year 5 class must self-isolate.  As the affected person has not been in school since Friday 16th October, the isolation period will end on Monday 2nd November and children can return on this date. This is the date that children were due to return after the half term break.


Mrs Mason will provide work for the children for the rest of this week (Wednesday and Thursday) but work will not be set over the half term break. If you have any difficulties with the work please email Mr Youngman .


It is not recommended that you access a test unless your child begins to show symptoms, as even if the test comes back negative your child will still have to self- isolate until the 2nd November.

The rest of your household does not have to self-isolate and other family members can attend school as usual.

If your child needs to access a test during this time please inform school of the results.


Please be assured that we are doing everything we can to minimise the risk to your children and I thank you for all your support in following the new arrangements.


I would be grateful if parents/carers would refrain from using social media to discuss this matter as rumour and speculation can cause unnecessary upset and panic.


Please read the attached information and if you have any questions, contact the school and I will be happy to speak to you.


Thank you again for your continued support in such challenging times.


Miss J Withey

Head teacher

