1st March 2021
Dear Parents / Carers,
Following on from the Prime Minister’s announcement, I am delighted to be able to welcome back to school all children from Monday 8 March. The timing works well for Knowsley as we continue to see transmission rates reduce, good engagement with SMART testing centres and large amounts of our most vulnerable vaccinated. Together, our community has done really well, and we are all grateful for the contribution each and every one of you have made.
The timing may also feel right for you as it brings to an end the long period of home education you have all been delivering! It has been great to see so many of you post your achievements on the school Twitter pages and I have very much enjoyed seeing such a variety of work posted and celebrated! I have been truly amazed at the wide range of activities provided, from cookery to art to PE to Maths – all of it has been brilliant – well done and thank you to you all!
Thanks also goes to all of those working in our schools; Throughout this pandemic, they have worked hard to stay open in a COVID safe way. This means they have continually reviewed their risk assessments to provide safe learning environments, kept themselves up to date with a wealth of government and public health guidelines, and changed their roles and routines to keep children and young people accessing education safely. Many have also worked hard to keep in touch with you and check that you have what you need to keep home education going! I think they have done a remarkable job.
As we get closer to the 8th March your school is once again working hard to make sure all arrangements are in place for the safe return of students. Please make sure that you make yourself familiar with their COVID-secure arrangements and support them in the work to keep us all safe.
Remember that the plans that your school has in place are designed to make the school environment as COVID secure as possible. Schools are well placed to make decisions about staggered start and pick up times, playground rules and lunchtime arrangements and bubbles. Each school will take a unique approach to these things, but all will make their decisions based on what they believe to be the best thing to do for you and your child. If you are concerned or anxious about the return to school, or uncertain about the arrangements in place, please contact your school directly. I am sure they will be happy to work with you to ease your anxiety.
Our schools will also be encouraging your child to regularly hand wash and socially distance. They will be once again asking you to wear a face covering when on school premises, not to congregate when dropping off and picking up and reminding you to maintain social distancing at all times. I know you all understand the reasons for this request and trust that you will follow the advice carefully.
You may have read about testing being introduced in schools for pupils – this does not include primary school children. Staff in primary schools will continue to have access to home testing kits to help keep them safe and well and remember that our community SMART testing sites are still available around the borough for many of you as well.
Finally, please remember that even as we see an increase in the number of people accessing a vaccination, and our transmission rates decline, it remains vitally important that all of the public health measures outlined in this letter remain in place. It is only by all doing our bit that we can meet the government’s targets, exit the lock down and enjoy the summer holidays in the way we all hope to do.
Thank you once again for your continued support and co-operation it is very much appreciated.
Yours faithfully
J. Albertina
Assistant Executive Director Education & Early Help