What happens when a bubble goes home?
If your child is sent home from school to self isolate, they must not leave your home or garden for 14 days.
They should try to stay 2 metres from others in the house if possible. You should not have visitors to your house to see the child unless they are: part of your support
bubble (one other adult or one single parent family); childcare bubble (one other household) or they are from health or social care and it is necessary to see them.
The other people in the house do not have to self isolate, they can continue to go to school/work as long as the child is being looked after at home. If your child develops Covid symptoms, make sure you have them tested.
Government expectations:
- All schools should provide remote learning immediately if a child is asked to self-isolate.
- It should be high quality and be similar to what has been taught/is being taught in the classroom.
- All schools must be ready to provide remote learning.
Schools should provide:
- Log in details of a software platform like Google Classroom/Seesaw etc with instructions of how to use it.
- A printed pack of work for your child if you do not have any internet access through your phone or at home, this may be provided in bulk to adhere to social distancing guidelines.
- Work that covers a range of subjects and equals a similar amount of learning to what would happen in school – this may be a weekly/daily set of tasks.
- Frequent feedback from a teacher/TA on their work – this should be in line with the school’s marking policy so should be at least once a week.
- The ability for you or your child to ask questions about the work if you are struggling.
- Explanations of some of the work provided – this could either be a video/audio by someone else (BBC/National Academy/Youtube) or by the teacher themselves.
- If your child has special educational needs then the work provided must be at the correct level. The work may also include activities to help achieve targets on your child’s personal provision plan or Education Health and Care plan.
- Work that children can do independently so as to not put a strain on families’ time. Contact you during the period of isolation if longer than 2 weeks.
- If you are struggling with resources such as pens/paper please discuss this with your school.
Parents should provide:
- A routine similar to school with similar timings for breaks, bedtimes etc.
- A quiet space for your child to work and perhaps to do live lessons if this is on offer. Ask school if you need help.
- Not expect the child’s teacher to be contactable every day (they may be unwell or have childcare issues themselves).
- Read the school’s Code of Conduct and Remote learning policy so you know what to expect from your school.
The full document can be found here.