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World book day 2023

Dear Parent(s)/Carer,


World Book Day® is a charity that changes lives through a love of books and reading. Our school mission is to promote reading for pleasure, offering every child and young person the opportunity to have a book of their own. Reading for pleasure is a vital indicator of a child’s future success - We want to see every child leave our school with a life-long habit of reading for pleasure and awareness of the improved life chances this brings them



This year, World Book Day is on Thursday 2nd March 2023 and to celebrate we will be running various activities, events and competitions for children in school throughout next week.


Every year on World Book Day, we are overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of our school community. However, we know that this year, many families may find themselves in a difficult financial situation - we don’t want our celebrations to be an additional burden. Therefore, we are suggesting that children coming to school dressed as a character from a book is an optional activity – children can either choose to participate or not. If you do choose to dress your child up, please don’t go to any great expense: home-made costumes are always that bit more fun! If you choose not to dress up, that’s fine – children can come to school in their usual uniform. All children will participate in fun and celebratory activities in school, so please be reassured that no child will be left out.


As always, each child will be given a £1 book token which they can exchange for a special World Book Day book (see reverse for this year’s selections). We look forward to seeing the children participate in this annual event with their usual sense of fun and enthusiasm!


Thanks for your continued support.




Mrs G Hudson

SLT English Lead        
