Tuesday 2nd March 2021
Dear Parents/Carers
Return to school 8th March 2021 information for all pupils in Nursery-Year 6
We are delighted to be able to welcome all children back to school on Monday. We are really looking forward to seeing everyone and getting back to a little normality.
The arrangements for the return of all children are outlined below. Please read the information in this letter carefully. All actions have been considered using the latest government guidance.
If you or your child have symptoms of Covid-19 please do not come into school. If children show signs of infection during the day they will be isolated and parents will be called to collect them immediately. Please make sure we have your most up to date contact details.
When your child returns to school on Monday 8th March, children will continue to be taught in class bubbles.
The children will stay in their class bubbles for the day and they will not be able to mix with children from other bubbles. Lunchtimes and break times will be staggered to ensure that children do not mix with each other.
Beginning of the school day
- Due to the ‘bubble’ system we are unable to provide breakfast club in the traditional way. All children will be able to be dropped off at school between 8.40 and 9.00am. This means children can be dropped off at any time within this time window.
- Years 1 and 2 are to be dropped off at the pedestrian gate next to the main driveway of the school.
- All other year groups (Nursery, Reception, Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6) are to be dropped off at the Junior playground gates. Children should go directly to their classroom.
- If you have children in multiple year groups, then the above time window will give parents/carers time to walk between the drop off points.
- Parents and carers are reminded that they are not allowed to wait on the playground or to congregate by the school gate. With this is in mind parents of children in Years 3,4,5 and 6 will not be able to enter the playground and children must be dropped off at the gate. Reception children can be escorted to the Reception class gate.
- Please wear a face mask when dropping off.
End of the school day
- At home time children will be picked up from the same playground they were dropped off at. Parents must wait at the designated area for their child’s class. A member of staff will then call the child from the classroom. Parents will be able to collect their child between 2.50pm and 3.10pm. Once your child/children have been collected then you must exit the school premises immediately.
- Face masks must be worn by all adults during drop off and pick-up times. coverings/masks must be worn
- CHILDREN MUST BE DROPPED OFF AND PICKED UP AT THE ABOVE ALLOCATED TIMES. Due to government guidance children will not be able to be dropped off at the office or collected at the office. Parents or carers cannot enter the school building or premises and the driveway gates will be closed at all times.
- Children who are late will be asked to wait until there is a suitable time for the child to enter school.
- Parents and carers must pick their children up on time as children are not allowed to wait at the school office.
- All medical appointments must be made where possible outside of the school day. If a child must attend an appointment in school hours then proof of appointment must be provided.
Breakfast club/after school clubs
- Unfortunately, we are unable to offer our traditional breakfast club. Instead, children will be provided with breakfast in their own classrooms between the times of 8.40am and 9.00am free of charge. Breakfast will only be provided within these times.
- We can provide a limited number of breakfast club places for working parents. If you are a working parent and you would like your child to attend breakfast club, please contact the school by Friday 5th March. As we have limited places, they will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Only request this offer if you really need breakfast club to enable you to go to your place of work.
- We are unable to provide after school clubs currently.
Equipment for School
- Children must wear full school uniform.
- Each child will be given a designated workspace that they will keep for their time in school. They will be provided with their own stationary to use for lessons.
- Children are only allowed to use the schools reading bags. RUCKSACKS OR LUNCH BOXES WILL NOT BE ALLOWED.
- Packed lunches must be in a disposable bag which will be kept under your child’s desk. All items will need to be disposed of after lunchtime so please bear this is mind. A named water bottle will need to be bought in each day and returned home at the end of each day.
- On the days when children have PE, they should come to school in their PE kit.
- Pupils should not wear flip flops or laces unless they can tie them themselves.
- A waterproof jacket will be needed which will be kept on the back of their chairs.
- Medication such as inhalers need to be labelled with your child’s name and the medication administering form completed.
- On hot and sunny days please ensure your child has a sunhat and sun-cream is applied at home before arriving at school.
- NO OTHER EQUIPMENT should be brought into school.
Other Key Points
- Parents should not come into the school building for any reason unless it is an emergency. If you have any concerns then please ring school. PARENTS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO ENTER THE SCHOOL OFFICE. Office staff will no longer be taking late packed lunches or P.E kits to pupils-they must enter school with everything they need for the school day.
- Year 6 pupils, only if you are happy for your child to walk home/leave school and meet you elsewhere then please notify us by email. Please speak to your child about the importance of not congregating with other pupils when outside of school.
Due to the strict government guidance, we are unable to make changes to these arrangements. Please contact school through email at eastcroft.de@knowsley.gov.uk or by telephone 0151 477 8210 if you have any concerns.
Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Monday.
Miss J Withey
Head teacher