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Coronavirus updates

Update regarding school opening September 2020


Dear Parents, Carers and Families,


I hope this letter finds you well.

Firstly, I would like to thank for your support and patience during these difficult times. I know that you have worked hard to help your children complete the home learning activities.


I would like to update you with information we have received from the Government about school opening from September. The government has now set out its intent and plan for ALL children to return to school in September. The agreed plan has been designed based on the balance of risk of children not in school beyond the summer. I appreciate that for some of you, you will remain anxious about your children returning to school.


I would like to reassure you that your child’s wellbeing and safety are our main concern. Reducing any risks and keeping children and staff safe will be our priority. In order to do this, there will be a number of measures put in place to limit contact between children in different classes and extensive hygiene measures.


We have had several months of remaining open to Key Worker families and more recently Year 1 and Year 6 children whilst implementing ‘control measures’ which we are now very familiar with.


Whilst no school can guarantee 100% safety regarding Covid-19 contamination, we have worked very hard to ensure our practice is a safe as possible and we adhere to all the government and Public Health England guidance shared nationally. It is important that we support you and your child to return to school and establish the vital routines, normality and community again.  However, we will need your co-operation to ensure that all safety measures are in place. For example, new drop off and pick up arrangements, social distancing and lunchtimes.


It will be mandatory for your child to attend school in September. This means it is once again, a legal requirement for you to send your child to school every day. This overrides the previous parental choice you have had. The government will fine parents who do not send their children to school. I hope that the assurances I have outlined and the school reopening plan will allay any fears you may have and support every child to return to school. The detail of our plans for reopening in September can be found in the School Opening document below.

It is important that you read all the information and prepare your children for returning to school.


Finally I hope that you can enjoy the summer and we are looking forward to welcoming the children back in September. 


If you have any concerns or questions you would like to ask, please contact the school by email


Kind regards,


Julie Withey


School reopening information 24th June 2020.


Dear Parent/Carer,


I am pleased to let you know that school will be open, on Tuesday 30th June, to those Year 6 and Year 1 children who have requested a place.

All the information you require is attached and it will also be put on the Parent App and school website.

It is important that you read all the information carefully before Tuesday. The Disclaimer will need to be signed but if you can’t print it off we will have it available on Tuesday morning.


Although Year 6 children can walk to school on their own, a parent must attend with their child on Tuesday morning.


I am looking forward to welcoming the children back to school and I hope we can make it as enjoyable as possible for them during these difficult times.


Kind Regards,

Julie Withey

Head teacher

Eastcroft Park Primary School

School reopening information for parents


Please read the following information regarding school reopening & answer the school reopening survey here. It is vital that we get responses from as many parents as possible to make the best decisions on the safety and well-being of your children.

Back-to-school diary

School closure update 20/3/2020


Dear Parents and Carers


Further to the letter sent yesterday please see the information below for all parents and carers and those parents who fit into the key worker category. 


This letter outlines further arrangements for the school on Monday for those who may be able to access provision. Can I stress this provision will not be the normal school curriculum.

Information for ALL parents


If children can stay safely at home, they should, to limit the chance of the virus spreading. Government guidance has asked parents to keep their children at home, wherever possible, and asked schools to remain open only for those children who absolutely need to attend.

The fewer children making the journey to school, and the fewer children in educational settings, the lower the risk that the virus can spread and infect vulnerable individuals in wider society.

Please also follow these key principles:

  1. If it is at all possible for children to be at home, then they should be.
  2. If a child needs specialist support, is vulnerable or has a parent who is a critical worker, then educational provision will be available for them.
  3. Parents should not rely for childcare upon those who are advised to be in the stringent social distancing category such as grandparents, friends, or family members with underlying conditions.
  4. Parents should also do everything they can to ensure children are not mixing socially in a way which can continue to spread the virus. They should observe the same social distancing principles as adults.

Vulnerable children

The school will continue to provide care for a limited number of children. Parents and carers will be contacted individually if this is the case. 


Information for key workers

The government has asked parents to keep their children at home, wherever possible, and asked schools to remain open only for those children who absolutely need to attend.

If your work is critical to the COVID-19 response, or you work in one of the critical sectors listed below, and you cannot keep your child safe at home then your children will be prioritised for education provision.

If you wish to receive this provision please collect a registration form from the school office.

You then need to accompany your child to school on Monday from 8.30am with the completed form. You will then need to complete the registration process. You may be asked for proof of your role eg identity badge etc.

Children must not be sent to school on Monday unaccompanied.

Details of Key workers

Please see the link below for further detail in order to check if you fall into a key worker category – and absolutely need your child to attend school.

Thank you for your support during these challenging times.
