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Fairtrade Fortnight

Image result for fairtrade logo                            Fairtrade Fortnight            Image result for fairtrade logo 

This year we linked Fairtrade Fortnight with World Book Day. On World Book Day everyone came to school dressed in their pyjamas ready to camp in the jungle (our infant hall). Each class visited the camp-site to read and share stories. During this break we all enjoyed some Fairtrade hot chocolate and a Fairtrade snack. 


Each class also took part in a competition to design a new Fairtrade snack and create the packaging. The Fairtrade Friends then picked a winner from each class who each received a Fairtrade prize. 


The Fairtrade Friends also ran a spot the ball competition and a raffle. The winner of the competition won a Fairtrade football and the winner of the raffle won a Fairtrade chocolate hamper. 


Finally, an inter-school Fairtrade football competition was held. Each house competed against each other. 
