Homework and spellings are given out every Friday through seesaw or in your child's homework book. Your child's homework should be sent back through seesaw or their book returned by the following Thursday.
Spellings are tested every Friday morning.
The spellings are taken from the Year 2 spelling rules and the phonics they have been learning in class. In addition to these words, your child should know all of the Year 1 Common Exception Words and should be working through the Year 2 Common Exception words.
We may also revise all of our speed sounds for set 2 and 3 and we have phonics words and red words to learn for our weekly homework.
Homework is explained to each child every week, but if they are struggling with their homework please let us know and we can give support!
The homework challenge is a set of challenges and tasks that you child can complete at home for which they will receive a number of treasure tickets for tasks completed.